
Whitehead and the Pittsburgh School by Lisa Landoe Hedrick

During winter break downtime I have been reading Lisa Landoe Hedrick’s 2021 book Whitehead and the Pittsburgh School, a book that was a long time coming for me to properly sit down and read through. The book is relatively small—the main text itself is less than 200 pages—but the scope is ambitious enough. Hedrick opens…

Whitehead’s Philosophy of God as Dispassionate Investigation?

Whitehead starts his chapter “God” in Science and the Modern World noting that “Aristotle found it necessary to complete his metaphysics by the introduction of a Prime Mover—God”, and importantly “in his consideration of this metaphysical question he was entirely dispassionate; and he is the last European metaphysician of first-rate importance for whom this claim…

Rescher and Whitehead, Process Metaphysics and Semantics

Lately I have been reading Nicholas Rescher’s 1996 book Process Metaphysics. I came across a copy in a used bookstore in my neighborhood and figured that spending some time with Rescher’s work was a long time coming for me, as someone interested in Whitehead’s philosophy, pragmatism, and intersections of those two with some more typically…

Some thoughts in early December

The weather has been mistier lately—not too cold and never raining hard, but often a cloudy grey, and at night the cloud-cover hides the moon so that at best there’s a yellowed sheen. Just the past night I was walking home through the city as the full moon and Mars crossed by each other—but I…

Whitehead on propositions and their truth-value

In my free time I have, for about two years now, been exploring two interconnected theses, (1) Whitehead’s theory of the nature of propositions is a major factor in fully appreciating his metaphysical system as found in Process and Reality, and, (2) classical logic—the kind of propositional logic and (especially) first-order predicate logic Whitehead played…

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